Reducing food and packaging waste may help you cut costs and streamline cleanup procedures. Going green and purchasing vegetables that were grown and harvested locally may appease your diners and improve your restaurant's reputation. Before making the switch, find a supplier and brief your kitchen staff on preparation and storage methods that you have selected.

Organic, Non-Organic, Or Seasonal

Organic products have emerged over the last few decades and most grocery stores or farmers markets set up a separate area for this type of produce. An organic addition to your restaurant may go over well, especially if you already offer some healthy dishes that contain wholesome ingredients that do not contain preservatives or artificial additives.

Standard crops that are non-organic are another option that may suffice, especially if you are going to be using ingredients in bulk and don't have a need to use specialized ingredients that have been grown or harvested in a concise manner. Consider adding a seasonal lineup to your menu, which includes offering fresh greens that are prevalent at specific times of the year. Seasonal items may become one of your best selling points and will allow you to change your menu on occasion, depending upon what types of US greens are currently being featured.

A Local Supplier And New Standards

Purchasing produce from a local distributor will greatly improve the chance of receiving products that do not contain wilted leaves, bruising, or other signs of damage. Ask the supplier which part of the United States that their products come from and whether or not the shipments or deliveries are coming directly from the grower or are passed off to a middleman before reaching the final destination.

As soon as you receive your order, you and your kitchen staff should get ready to store the products. Fresh produce should be chilled and stored inside of a bin or a clear bag. Before anyone handles the produce, direct them to wash their hands and use sanitizer. Wearing gloves will also assist prevent the spreading of germs to the greens. Greens should be rinsed thoroughly, before being sliced or diced.

Since you will no longer be using canned or frozen vegetables, observe how much your trash is reduced. Less packaging that is placed inside of a waste receptacle will mean that you may not need to have your garbage hauled off as much as you are accustomed to. The reduced waste is also less taxing on the environment.
