If you are still transporting grain and feeding your animals the old-fashioned way (i.e., slicing open fifty- to eighty-pound bags and emptying them into the trough), it may be time to make changes in how you do things. Modern grain transport includes bagging grain in twelve foot diameter poly-bags that resist pests and disease. While this is great for both your animals and the transportation of grain, it may make things more difficult in getting the grain to where you need it to go. Invest in a grain bag unloader, and it will help you in the following ways, making feeding your animals and transporting these massive bags of grain easier.

You Can Order Several Massive Bags of Grain at the Same Time

These grain bag unloaders can quickly slice through the massive poly bags that hold grain with a twin-cut blade and then empty it in just a few minutes. The unloaders shoot the grain directly into a feed dispensary, providing your animals with several days' worth of feed. As such, you can order several bags at one time, stack them in your barn and unload them as you need them. A large flatbed truck can bring your bags of grain, stacked one on top of another, and deposit them directly into the barn or leave them on a set of pallets or a flatbed trailer outside.

You Can Use a Pull-Behind Flatbed to Move and Deposit Grain in the Field

If you need to unload and deposit grain into a feeding hopper in the fields, you can add a pull-behind flatbed trailer to hold onto a bag of grain and then use the unloader to deposit the grain. It keeps the grain dry until you unload it at the hopper, providing your animals with clean, safe, nutritious food. The pull-behind flatbed also helps you move these massive grain bags from one feeding hopper to the next without having to empty the bags by hand and walk the distances between the grain bag and each of your feeding hoppers.

You Lose Less Grain to the Ground

With a grain bag unloader, less of the grain dribbles out onto the ground. Less grain on the ground means more grain in your animals' bellies, and they do not starve when the winter weather gets especially cold. Less grain on the ground also means fewer rodent and bird pests, who are attracted to the loose grain. 

To learn more, contact a business like Neeralta Manufacturing Inc.
